Telephone: +27 27 341 1606



Postal Address: P.O. Box 34, Calvinia, South Africa, 8190.


Reception is located at 42 Hope Street, Calvinia.


GPS Co-ordinates: -31,47537  19, 77247


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Co-ordinates & Temperatures

Calvinia is situated 31º30’S and 19º44’E, 970 m above sea level. The average summer temperature in Calvinia is 22ºC, but frequently soars above 40ºC. During winter the average temperature is 10ºC, but it may plummet to -8ºC, with an average night temperature of -2ºC, with severe frost. Snow frequently falls on the Hantam mountain range during the winter, and is our main source of primary drinking water.

How to get to Calvinia

From Gauteng in the north, you can choose one of two routes.


Route one would be via Upington over Brandvlei to Calvinia. The other route leads via Kimberley through Carnarvon and Williston, a distance of some 1200 kilometres.


From the south you leave the N7 at Van Rhynsdorp and ascend the escarpment through the magnificent Van Rhyn’s Pass to the floral kingdom of the Hantam.


Another route consists of a breakaway from the N1 at Matjiesfontein, through Verlatekloof, Sutherland, via Middelpost to Calvinia.


For the very brave, through the Tankwa Karoo on the R355, which is the longest distance between two neighbouring towns, i.e. Ceres and Calvinia – a distance of about 250 kilometres.